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IRS releases more info on how to get coronavirus stimulus checks ASAP

March 31, 2020 | Comments Off on IRS releases more info on how to get coronavirus stimulus checks ASAP

New information from the IRS shines more light on what people can do to get the checks from the government as quickly as possible while many families worry about paying the bills and buying food during the coronavirus crisis that has cost millions of people their jobs.

For Americans eligible for stimulus cash under the new relief law, the fastest way to receive it is to make sure they’ve filed a tax return for 2019 or 2018 with bank information so the government can directly deposit the money.

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Photo of building framing a home

DHS Designates Residential Construction as “Essential Infrastructure Business”

March 29, 2020 | Comments Off on DHS Designates Residential Construction as “Essential Infrastructure Business”

On March 28, 2020, in a critical win for NAHB and the residential construction sector, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) designated construction of single-family and multifamily housing as an “Essential Infrastructure Business.”

The designation will enable many home building firms to keep their businesses open during the COVID-19 pandemic and help to stabilize the housing industry and its supply chain in the near term.

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Two Flintco Construction Workers

How has the coronavirus affected the local construction industry?

March 27, 2020 | Comments Off on How has the coronavirus affected the local construction industry?

Superintendents are ensuring job sites could be abandoned indefinitely at the end each day; infrared thermometers are checking some workers’ temperatures before they enter sites; and some tasks are being moved to nighttime.The global pandemic has required local contractors to take numerous precautions. The Memphis Business Journal asked executives at four local construction firms about sourcing materials, staying safe, and other concerns of the past couple weeks. Here’s what they said.

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Senate Approves $2.2 Trillion Economic Stimulus Package

March 26, 2020 | Comments Off on Senate Approves $2.2 Trillion Economic Stimulus Package

The Senate shortly before midnight voted unanimously to approve a $2.2 trillion economic stimulus package in response to the coronavirus pandemic that has wreaked havoc on the U.S. economy. The Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act includes several provisions to help small businesses and those engaged in the residential construction sector.

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Photo of Tennessee Governor Bill Lee

Governor Lee Provides Update on COVID-19 relief

March 24, 2020 | Comments Off on Governor Lee Provides Update on COVID-19 relief

Lee is mobilizing the National Guard to help with testing. 250 personnel, including 150 medical personnel, are getting ready to help 35 remote testing facilities in rural parts of the state.

Lee also extended the statewide school closure to April 24, 2020. The Department of Education is now partnering with PBS to offer instructional content on television while students are out of the classroom.

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