Participation is the best way to get the most of membership. Get envolved, grow your network, and grow your business. Join a committee or council today!
- Government Affairs Committee: Serves as the primary liaison between the home builders association and local, state, and nationally elected officials. Oversees and recommends policy on legislative, regulatory, and legal matters to the full Board of Directors.
- BuildPAC Committee: Serves as the fundraising arm of the West Tennessee Home Builder's Association. This group is responsible for soliciting contributions and workingwith the Government Affairs committee in distributing these funds to candidates sensitive to the home building industry and its initiatives.
- Builders’ & Developers Issues Committee: Acts as the primary liaison between the West Tennessee Home Builder's Association and local code enforcement agencies and utilities. Reviews and recommends programs and policies that impact the home building industry to the Board of Directors. Meets as needed.
- Membership Committee: Facilitates the identification and recruitment of new members and promotes the involvement of members in all association programs and activities. Plans and conducts orientation meetings and develops retention efforts.
- Builder Standards Committee: Provides networking opportunities for exchange of information; identifies the special needs associated with builders and develops programs and services to meet those needs, interviews new builder and developer members, and responds to issues of concern impacting builders and homeowners.
- VESTA Home Show Committee: Works to locate the annual VESTA development site and assist with builder issues, sponsorship sales, and advertising & publicity related to the show.
- Special Event Committees: Plans and assist with sponsorships for the HBA's annual events like the Golf Scramble and President's Innagural Gala.
Associates Council: An elected body, this Council provides a forum for members to exchange information, experiences, and express industry concerns. The Associates Council supports and participates in all activities, events, and programs of the HBA. The purpose of the Council is to unite with builder members for the purposes of mutual advantage, collaboration, and promotion of the philosophy of “Do Business with a Member”.
Remodelers Council: Dedicated to the specific needs, issues and education of the remodeling industry and related industry specialists. The Council provides access to valuable policies, practices and education to support quality building practices as well as networking, education opportunities. (Annual Fee $75. Includes membership in NAHB Remodelers Council.)
Professional Women in Building: PWB is the voice of women in the industry, dedicated to supporting members at the local, state and national levels by offering networking and educational opportunities, legislative awareness and outreach, and professional and personal development. PWB is made up of members from all areas of the building industry, including builders, developers, remodelers, architects, suppliers, marketing experts, designers, finance and real estate. (Annual fee $75. Includes membership in NAHB PWB.). Membership is open to all WTNHBA members,, regardless of gender.
Cornerstone Club: Cornerstone Club Members play a vital role in the HBA’s growth and success. They receive added recognition for their commitment to the Association's mission of making homeownership available to all citizens of Tennessee. In addition, Cornerstone Club Members are invited to attend special meetings and events and receive special perks throughout the year.
Join a committee, council, or club today! Just fill our this short form and let us know how you would be interested to serve.